Exhibit Guide


The Original Home of Japan's Oldest Rocks

The oldest rocks in Japan were brought from the Precambrian continent which existed to the north of Japan in the Jurassic era, when the Kamiaso conglomerate was laid down in marine deposits. Today such rocks can be found in Samcheok in the northeast of South Korea, and also in the east of North Korea, far to the north of Samcheok. This gives a clue to the site of the origin of our oldest rocks.

Floor information

Exibit Contents
01The World's Oldest Mineral
02The World's Oldest Rock
03Pillow Lava
05Banded Iron Formations
07Grypania spiralis
09Mino Belt
10Kamiaso Conglomerate
11Japan's Oldest Rock
12CHIME Dating
13The Original Home of Japan's Oldest Rocks
14Hichiso and the Radiolaria
15Geological Model